

I have always been intrigued by the story of an individual, business, or place that is left untold. Most importantly, the concept of sharing that story effectively and visually to an audience. I showcase a story, concept, product, or event visually. 


FAVORITE THINGS: authentic moments, SONIC DRINKS, CHICK-FIL-A, ACTs OF KINDNESS, TACOS, tennis, and Attempting to be a marathon runner... okay half marathon?    


Marshal McIntosh

I recently graduated from Howard Payne University. In 2015, I graduated with my undergrad in Public and Media Communication with a minor in marketing. Fast forward a year later in May of 2016, I walked the same stage and received my Master's in Business Administration. 


CHILDHOOD Throwback circa 1997

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. 

R O M A N S  8 : 2 8



Brownwood, Texas

Located in Central Texas + Available for Worldwide Travel

Follow me on InstagraM @marshalmcintoshphotography